
Digital Transformation and Interoperability Corss-regional exchange

24 June - 27 June 2024 Brussels, Belgium Regional Thematic Conferences

ReSPA, SIGMA-OECD and GIZ "Eastern Partnership Regional Fund for Public Administration Reforms" joined in organizing a Cross-regional Exchange between Western Balkan and EaP.

Aimed to enable networking and intensive exchange on digitalization of public service:

- at the national level, between key state institutions such as public service development agencies and personal data protection institutions;

- at the regional level, between EaP countries;

- at the interregional and international level, between EaP, Western Balkans and EU Member States.

Representatives of the key state institutions such as e-governance agencies, public service development agencies from the Western Balkans and EaP countries will have an opportunity also to attend the SEMIC2024 ( - an annual conference on semantic interoperability organised by the European Commission on 26-27 June 2024.


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