Blogs archive

From EU values to EU membership: Why the Rule of Law matters (now more than ever) for the Western Balkans?
Marija Vlajković, University of Belgrade Faculty of Law 26 February 2025

The Rule of Law stands as a cornerstone of democratic governance and a fundamental value within the European Union, as enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union and the Copenhagen criteria. For the Western Balkans, aspiring EU members, it holds particular significance amidst evolving ...

Interoperability: Unlocking the Full Potential of Digitalized Services
Stefan DEDOVIĆ, Research Associate at KU Leuven Public Governance Institute and PhD Scholar at the University of Tartu - Center for IT Impact Studies 14 May 2024

The citizens' well-being hinges greatly on the seamless provision of e-services tailored to their needs. Collaboration on interoperability is crucial for shaping policies and practices, prioritising these needs from the outset. In March, we launched the first "public administration-based" ...

Why is the transition from personnel management to strategic human resource management important?
Wojciech Zielinski, A senior expert on HRM and Public Administration Reform 24 October 2023

Western Balkan administrations are striving to improve the functioning of their civil service by modernising HR processes and tools. They have achieved progress by digitalising certain processes, introducing modern tools like performance appraisals, limiting undue political interference in ...

The ‘New’ Enlargement Methodology: Opportunities and Challenges
Jelena Džankić, European University Institute 25 August 2023

Few will disagree that the European Union (EU) integration of the Western Balkans has been at best slow. The ‘new’ enlargement methodology was launched in 2020 to inject some dynamism into the accession process of the region. Three years later, the true effects of this injection ...

Continuous Support to Improve the Policy Cycle
Dragan Đurić, ReSPA Programme Manager 12 July 2023

Dragan Đurić, ReSPA Programme Manager responsible for the policy development and coordination thematic area, over the last eight years, has been dealing with numerous issues focusing on strengthening the role of public administration in advancing the evidence-based policy-making process, ...

Strengthening the Center of Government's role in implementing existing legal solutions and further enhancing human capacities require attention in the area of policy coordination
Marko Savić, ReSPA Expert 16 June 2023

The Policy Development and Coordination thematic area of ReSPA focuses on strengthening the role of public administration in advancing the evidence-informed policy-making process, better regulation, and policy coordination in the Western Balkans. In close collaboration with the governments ...

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