Indicative Programme of Work for 2025

The indicative Programme of Work (PoW) for 2025 supports the implementation of the new (draft) ReSPA Strategic Orientation 2025-2030. The present PoW is also the last annual programme that will contribute to the implementation of the 2023-2025 EC Grant Contract, which ReSPA will implement until the end of 2025. It provides an overview of the activities to be organized by the ReSPA Secretariat that will be implemented in 2025. However, the PoW is indicative of built-in agility to cater to emerging priorities, and activities will also be identified/further prioritized within the thematic groups, especially under the overall guidance and recommendations of the ReSPA Governing Board.

The indicative Programme of Work determines what will be accomplished to achieve the strategic goal: enhance regional administrative capacity and foster collaborative networks among Western Balkans public administrations to drive effective Public Administration Reform and align with European integration standards. ReSPA will support human resource development, facilitate knowledge-sharing, and promote structured exchanges with EU Member States, ensuring the region's administrations are equipped to meet European governance principles and standards. The PoW contains a division into 4 Thematic Areas, as envisaged in the ReSPA Strategic Orientation 2025-2030, as well as a horizontal pillar, which includes the so-called "horizontal regional activities and priority actions".

Additional activities will be implemented through the ReSPA mechanisms of direct support to its members, such as on-demand support mechanisms, e-gov pilots and mobility schemes. In addition, the "ReSPA Horizontal Facility" will enable the co-design of capacity-building programmes with Institutes of Public Administration from the EU, regional partners and other international actors. Online conversations on various topics related to reforming PA will also be organized throughout the year.

Support by the Regional Quality Management Center (RQMC)
Regional Mobility Programme
Academy for Young Leaders in Public Administration
Support to the implementation of PAR-related measures of the Reform Agendas (Growth Plan for the WBs)
Development of Thematic Snapshots, Knowledge Bites, and Policy Briefs
Knowledge Mangament Platfrom
Study visit to The Swedish Agency for Digital Government
Workshop on Public Service Salary Systems and their Reforms
Worshop on "Usage of AI in the translation of the acquis"
Meeting of the Regional Thematic Group on Policy Development and Coordination
Community of Practice and Service Delivery Project Development Training
Interoperability Academy
Training on Effective Learning & Development for Training Managers
Workshop on Effective communication of the European Integration process
Regional conference "Fostering synergy with scientific institutions in Policymaking"
Workshop on "Change management"
Study Visit of the Public Administraion Awards Winners for an Exchange with Counterparts in Denmark (Finland)
Joint Workshop with EKDDA on eGov and Digital Transformation
CAF User Event
Training Modules of Clusters of Negotiation Chapters: Cluster 3
ReSPA/SIGMA Regional Conference on Institutional Accountability and Administrative Justice
Cyber Security - Training for Trainers Course for Adviance Users
Regional workshop "SDG implementation in the Western Balkans"
Regional Conference on Public Finance Management in the Western Balkans
Workshop on "Leadership development and succession planning"
Interoperability Academy
Regional workshop "Integrity in Public Service"
Celebrations for the Public Service Day
Training Modules of Clusters of Negotiation Chapters: Cluster 5
Strengthening Parliamentary Administrations in Evidence-Based Policy Making
Summer School (executive education) on European Affairs and Governance
Seasonal school on talent management
Thematic Group on EI Integration Meeting B2B Training modules on Clusters: Cluster 6 External Relations
5th Module of the Regional Academy on the Evidence-Informed Policymaking Process
Conference on Enhancing Neutrality and Professionalism in Public Administration (Promoting Merit-Based Practices and Strengthening Institutional Trust) back to back with HRMPD WG meeting
Digital Transformation Seasonal school – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Public Administration
OGP WB regional meeting
Workshop on "Aligning State Aid practices with EU standards"
Data Science Conference
High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) and WBs Development Partners' session
The Fifth Annual Regional Quality Management Center Meeting

Horizontal activities

Thematic Area 1: Policy development and coordination

Thematic area 2: European integration and accession negotiations

Thematic area 3: Human resources management and professional development

Thematic area 4: Service Delivery (digitalization, and quality management)

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