Empower Local: Building Capacities for Western Balkans` Governments on the EU Integration Journey
ReSPA is pleased to announce the event Empower Local: Building Capacities for Western Balkans` Governments on the EU Integration Journey, planned to be organised from 15-16 April 2024, in Tirana (Albania).
Calls for more prominent involvement of local authorities in the EU accession process and for increased support for their preparations to assume delivery of proximity services to citizens are not a novelty in relevant national, regional and EU fora.
Being strong supporter of cooperation with relevant partners, ReSPA submitted for further considerations the proposal for joining of the relevant actors` forces in designing and implementing a multi-module programme targeting capacity development of local civil servants as a preparation for the tasks stemming from the Regional Cohesion Policy and Coordination of Structural Funds.
Thanks to positive responses from relevant partners, including NALAS, Committee of Regions, OECD/Sigma, GiZ, NALED, Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Weber project, the event will provide an opportunity for share of information about the activities of different partners focusing on local administrations, for the networking between civil servants from central and local levels, and as a base for training needs assessment for civil servants from local administrations that will provide informed decision making for the possible future training modules.
The event is planned to gather:
- 2 representatives of central level administrations: 1 representative of the Ministry competent for local administrations and 1 representative of the Ministry/institution competent for the EU accession process;
- 4 representatives of local administrations.
In addition to these participants, for which costs and arrangements will be managed by ReSPA, GiZ will identify and cover the expenses for participation of NIPAC Offices` representatives at the event.
We would like to use this opportunity to kindly ask that you appoint 2 representatives of your respective administration from the central level, while NALAS will be supporting us in identification of the representatives of local administrations that will participate at the event.
The appointed participants should register online by 20 March 2024, CoB, at the following link:
Attached is the Provisional Agenda. The final one will be sent to the nominated participants. The working language will be English and no interpretation will be provided.
In case of flight cancellation by participants, the costs of flight tickets will be covered by the participants' respective institutions. All participants will be paid per diem to cover their accommodation, meals, and local transportation costs in their residence and place of mission. Participants can book and pay for their accommodation in Tirana based on their preferences.