Data-protection in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership Region
ReSPA, SIGMA Programme, Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the “Eastern Partnership Regional Fund for Public Administration Reforms” by (GIZ), are organizing the 2nd edition of the “Data-protection in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership Region week” from 9th until 13th September 2024 in Brussels.
Building on this successful encounter and to further strengthen the partnership between the data protection authorities of the two regions and their EU counterparts, the EDPB, and the EDPS, also for this upcoming edition the ReSPA, SIGMA Programme, GIZ, and RCC agreed to team up and in collaboration with the European Commission (Directorate General Justice and Consumers, DG JUST) jointly develop a Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership Region’s Data Protection Academy as part of the week.
The Data Protection Academy is a project created by the European Commission (DG JUST) that offers support and training for data protection authorities of non-EU countries. It provides a platform for data protection authorities outside the EU to exchange views, best practices, and lessons learned with their EU counterparts.
The event aims to, among other things, support capacity building for the DPAs, training on good practices on the organisation and management of an independent authority, provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge with EU data protection authorities on GDPR implementation, including data protection implications of increased digitalisation of services, unified approach and data protection of the services, etc.
More information available in provisional agenda.