Meeting of the Regional Thematic Group on Policy Development and Coordination and Training on Gender-Informed Policymaking
The meeting will serve as a regional platform to share best practices and exchange insights on the challenges. The recently published 2024 SIGMA Monitoring Reports offer valuable insights that will serve as a foundation for discussion. Additionally, the meeting will focus on identifying shared priorities to guide ReSPA capacity-building activities in the coming period and exploring opportunities for in-country support and mobility scheme programs within this thematic area. Participants will also engage in practical training on gender-informed policymaking.
The activity is intended for the participants coming from the institutions in charge of government policy planning and those that lead and coordinate the better regulation agenda.
Through the Regional Thematic Group on Policy Development and Coordination (PDC), ReSPA supports the enhancement of administrative capacities for policy planning, better regulation, and alignment with the EU integration agenda, in collaboration with Centre-of-Government institutions.