CAF User Event and CAF National Correspondent Meeting
ReSPA is pleased to announce the CAF User Event and CAF National Correspondent Meeting, takin place on 10 - 11 April Warsaw, Poland.
Since Poland will take over the chairmanship of the EUPAN Network in the first half of 2025, it plans, in close cooperation with the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), to organise the CAF Users' Event. The event aims to stimulate discussion on the CAF as a quality management tool that can support public sector institutions in fostering a culture of innovation, digital transformation, and the 'greening' of public administration. During the event, 18 best practices from EU Member States, candidate countries, and Eastern Partnership countries using the CAF model will be shared, showcasing improvements in organisational performance, service quality, and social responsibility, while also creating space for debate on the pros and cons of using such management tool in European public administrations.
Furthermore, the CAF National Correspondents meeting, which will take place the following day, will provide an excellent opportunity to reflect on the 10th CAF Users' Event, offer updates on the Austrian CAF Impact survey, present the CAF Network Action Plan, and discuss the upcoming presidencies of Denmark and Cyprus.