Meeting of Director Sekulovic with Minister Harito
Mrs. Ratka Sekulovic, ReSPA Director, met with Mrs. Milena Harito, Minister for Innovation and Public Administration of Albania on 13 September 2016 in Tirana. Minister Harito is representative of the Republic of Albania at the ReSPA governing Board at Ministerial level. Director Sekulovic presented the planned activities to Minister Harito and explained how ReSPA intends to support its Members in the forthcoming period through the implementation of the new EC grant.
In order for ReSPA to be more closer to public administrations of its members, it will organise ReSPA Open Days where it will present its activities, results of studies and all instruments that are at disposal of ReSPA members. Minister Harito presented efforts of the Albanian public administration in the area of reform process and improvement of services for citizens. Since the Republic of Albania will chair ReSPA during the next year, main focus of Albanian chairmanship was discussed. Director Sekulovic expressed gratitude to Minister Harito and her administration for active support to the regional cooperation.