ReSPA Budget Committee meeting
ReSPA organised 20th Budget Committee meeting in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 6/7 June 2017. The host of the meeting, Ministry of Finance and Treasury, organized first day meeting in PARCO’s office while the second day took place at the Ministry.
All ReSPA Member representatives took part at the meeting where the main topic presented was ReSPA Audit Report for period 01.01.- 31.12.2016. In addition to this, the following topics were presented/discussed with BC Members:
Internal control framework implementation
EC Financial Audit - status report and follow activities
Donor Funds–EC Grant Implementation Status - Business intelligence overview presentation.
ReSPA Procurement Status and Plan for period June – December 2017
Report on National contributions
ReSPA Director and Operations and Finance Manager-Coordinator met with the Mr. Dugonjic -Assistant Minister for Budget at the Ministry of Finance. At the meeting, ReSPA Director presented the work and results of ReSPA program of work. Mr. Dugonjic expressed interest in more intensive involvement of the Ministry in Finance in the PIFC area, for which it was agreed to convene meeting in autumn dedicated to the involvement of ReSPA and civil servants from BIH in the area of Financial Management and PIFC.
ReSPA Representatives used the opportunity to meet with RCC Administration unit in order to exchange experiences related to internal control procedures’ implementation.