ReSPA’s Director commits to continue the mission
The Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) hosted its first Open Day in Brussels on Thursday, 15 June 2017. In her opening speech, Director of ReSPA, Ms. Ratka Sekulovic vowed to stay on the course and continue giving added value to the Western Balkans region.
“Dear Mr. Brunet, dear Governing Board members, honorable representatives of the European Commission, representatives of international organizations, academia, representatives of civil society, members of foreign missions, dear experts and participants, to put it simply: dear friends of ReSPA,
It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the ReSPA Open Day, which we are hosting for the first time in Brussels, with the kind support of the European Commission.
For almost seven years of its existence, ReSPA has been recognized as a unique organization for strengthening Public Administrations in the Western Balkans. In a complex and demanding process of the European integration, public servants are more than ever facing so many challenges, which underlines the importance for ReSPA, being an innovative regional hub, to be stronger than ever.
Thousands of participants from the region passed various ReSPA trainings and gathered required skills and knowledge. Significant number of regional comparative studies, analyses and other relevant documents had been prepared; a number of the new mechanisms for urgent limited needs had been implemented.
Today is a good opportunity to be reminded of the outcomes and benefits achieved in the region so far. It is also a good opportunity to extend special thanks to the European Commission for their continuous and valuable support, but also to the ReSPA governance structures for their contribution and commitment.
Deep reforms can change public administration. Consequently, our organization is changing in order to promptly respond to the growing needs. After almost seven years, I am convinced that ReSPA is achieving its mission, becoming the center of excellence in the field of public administration and adding value to the Western Balkan region.
We will continue to do so, and promote further our joint achievement by promoting our organization. Today’s event is only one step forward in that direction.”