ReSPA Training Manager Goran Pastrovic, participated at the "How to enable E-Government" event, Belgrade, Serbia, 13-14 February 2013
ReSPA Training Manager Goran Pastrovic, attended "How to enable E-Government" event, held in Belgrade, Serbia on 13th and 14th of February 2013.
This initiative has been one of the outputs of the strategic cooperation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Microsoft Company. Then event was based on the conceptual frame - Public Sector Knowledge Transfer with the main purpose to exchange knowledge and exchange practices from the region and globally. More than 50 representatives of the Government and Public Administration have taken part in the event. Mr. Aldis Vilums, Microsoft Software Architect for Public Sector for Central and Eastern Europe was one of the main speakers. In particular the following topicsNationwide electronic identity (EID) (Latvia, Lithuania, Azerbaijan case studies), Government Gateway implementation on Cyprus and Unified Government Portal of Malta received high level of attention from the participants.