ReSPA Director held a meeting with the Minister of Justice on the State level (BiH) Mr. Josip Grubeša
On the margins of PAR Special group meeting in Sarajevo, on 30 January 2018, ReSPA Director, Ms. Ratka Sekulović had a meeting with the Chair of the ReSPA Governing Board at Ministerial level, Minister Josip Grubeša.
The possibility of organizing the Ministerial Conference devoted to the financial sustainability of PAR, in the first half of June 2018 in Mostar, has been discussed. High-level Conference would gather ministers responsible for PAR in WB, ministers of finance, representatives of the EC, SIGMA, CSOs and other relevant partners.
During her visit to Sarajevo, Ms. Sekulovic will take part at SIGMA Conference devoted to the presentation of the newly published SIGMA Monitoring report for BiH for 2017.