ReSPA Director, Ms. Ratka Sekulovic visited Mr. Bujar Osmani, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Republic of Macedonia
On 21 March 2018, Ms. Ratka Sekulović, ReSPA Director met with Mr. Bujar Osmani, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration of Republic of Macedonia.
Director Sekulović informed the Deputy Prime Minister Osmani about ReSPA activities in the area of Public Administration Reform and European Integration during the current EC Grant. She also explained activities planned in 2018, emphasizing the further continuation of supporting WB6 in common matters such as EU financial assistance and negotiation process. It was mentioned development of ReSPA Strategy 2019-2024 and the organization of the Ministerial conference on good governance in Western Balkans, which takes place in June 2018 in Mostar, BIH.
DPM Osmani underlined his strong commitment to strengthening regional cooperation and its importance for Republic of Macedonia, further support and cooperation with ReSPA in building a professional and effective public administration aligned with EU standrads..
Director Sekulović stressed out that ReSPA would remain a key support to governments in the Western Balkans, to develop better public administration, public services, and overall governance systems for their citizens and businesses, and prepare them for membership in the European Union.