Focus Group Meetings in Sarajevo and Banja Luka within Comparative Study on Service Delivery
Within the Comparative Study on Service Delivery, ReSPA organized the last two focus group meetings and semi-structured interviews in Sarajevo and Banja Luka. Previously five identical events have been placed in Tirana, Pristina, Belgrade, Skopje and Podgorica, The meetings in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) were held from 23-25 April 2018. Decision makers representing all levels of BiH actively participated at the both meetings, discussing about the state of the affairs in service delivery management & policy, (self) assessment of GAPA implementation and digitalisation and e-Government implementation
The findings from the meetings were very valuable since the wide range of stakeholders have participated, including the EC Delegation in Sarajevo. In the following period, all country profiles will be finalized encompassing data mining, interviews, focus groups’ and online questionnaire results. Further validation of findings with engaged stakeholders, EC Commission (DG NEAR) and SIGMA are expected to be conducted in the upcoming period. The study is expected to serve as a basis for planning of one of the possible pillars within the new four years ReSPA programming period.