ReSPA presented CAF improvement plan at the 3rd meeting of the Regional Group of Experts on Quality Assurance in General Education
The two days workshop gathered management level of agencies in charge of quality assurance in general education and of ministries of education on 6-7 December 2018 in Podgorica, Montenegro. The event was organised by the Education Reform Initiative of South East Europe (ERI SEE) and Austrian Centre for Public Administration Research (KDZ) with the support of ReSPA.
The interactive workshop included Common Assessment Framework (CAF) training with the emphasis on its applicability, real life cases from the EU member states, such as Austria and Finland, and remaining challenges once setting organizational culture. ReSPA has presented its valuable experience in CAF implementation during 2018 highlighting the results from the Feasibility Study on Establishment of Quality Management Regional Centre within ReSPA.
The expressed interest of engaged target audiences inspired organisers (ERI & KDZ) to seek further opportunities for the regional initiatives that will support implementation of CAF in education sector with possible engagement of ReSPA.