ReSPA Member States Tender Announcement/ Bosnia and Herzegovina launches procurement of Consultancy services on the Project” Building of Capacities for Combat against Corruption in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH”
Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office (PARCO) of the Office of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina has announced a Public Procurement for implementation of the project financed from the Public Administration Reform Fund for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A project “Building of Capacities for Combat against Corruption in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH” includes a procurement of Consultancy services, at the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is based on the priorities identified in the Public Administration Reform Strategy's Revised Action Plan, in the reform areas of Human Resources Management and Institutional Communication.
The Public Administration Reform Fund is a financial tool of the Donors' assistance to the Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through the financing of the technical assistance projects, with focus on projects intended to all administrative levels as beneficiaries, it is directly supporting implementation of the Revised Action Plan 1 and the Public Administration Reform Strategy. More information on the PAR Fund, its structure, management and completed project you can obtain at http://parco.gov.ba/eng/?page=85.
According to the BH Public Procurement Law, official Tender documentation is on the local languages (Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian). Unofficial English translation can be obtained at the PARCO by demand. More information and contacts can be found at the PARCO websitehttp://parco.gov.ba/latn/?page=88&kat=8&vijest=8540, or in the attached Procurement Notice No. 423-2-2-1-14/13 (English translation) in the category Tenders from ReSPA Member States ( http://respaweb.eu/68/pages/51/tenders-from-respa-member-states)