COVID-19 Western Balkans Digital Collaborative - ReSPA’s response to the pandemic
ReSPA is organizing its first Zoom meeting to share information and provide channels for communication for senior public professionals with the focus on data, new IT technologies, digital transformation, crisis management and innovation in government during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We intend to gather all WB6 IT professionals within ReSPA eGovernment group and the participants of ReSPA Seasonal School on Digital transformation 2019, while in the next stage we would aim to include representatives of other very important sectors for the current situation.
Through COVID-19 Western Balkans Digital Collaborative, we want to find ways to support our government teams and communities working openly and collaboratively, sharing best practices, and helping each other respond to capacity challenges, infrastructure breakdowns, or other needs by using COVID-19 Western Balkans Digital Collaborative once or twice a month.
This is a closed, invite-only meeting that will be coordinated by ReSPA and California state government i.e. CHHS, with support Digitalizuj.me platform.
Zoom meeting is planned for Thursday 16 April 3 PM CET / 6 AM PST California