ReSPA Planning Workshop Developing an action plan to support the Western Balkans public administrations in these challenging times, Kolasin, 25 – 28 August 2020
Traditionally, we in ReSPA devote the last week in August to the annual planning of our activities, we focus on strengthening our internal capacities and finding the most effective solutions to support Public Administration Reform among the Western Balkan governments.
This year's Workshop was tasked to define ReSPA’s action plan for the next two years and to find the most flexible and appropriate strategies and mechanisms to support our Working Group Members in the Western Balkan region.
Through a highly energetic and productive series of sessions and teamwork, we have listed a variety of activities and action-plans within our key thematic areas: Quality Management, e-Government, Human Resource Management Development, Centre-of-Governments and Better Regulation. Being aware that flexibility in these challenging times is crucial, we have put an immense focus on the internal capacities and the improvement of internal organization to obtain the maximum performance.
Through different pilot initiatives, in-country support mechanisms, mobility scheme and peer-to-peer learning by implementing a participatory approach, we will continue to support the Western Balkans region, based on the needs assessment.
"We will continue to take a proactive role as the regional Quality Management Center and the regional hub for supporting the Public Administration Reform among the Western Balkan countries. After this Workshop, I am more than sure that we are ready for all the demanding tasks that are ahead of us in these challenging times. The progressive energy and readiness for the new challenges of our team members that was shown during this Workshop Planning is the essence of our further progress. We are and will be devoted to making considerable strides toward becoming one of the most reliable partners of the European Union to support Public Administration Reform in the region." said Ms Ratka Sekulovic, ReSPA Director at the end of the ReSPA Workshop Planning.