46th Governing Board meeting at Senior Official Level
The overall objective of the Meeting was to discuss the following issues: Report on ReSPA Operations and Implementation of the Programme of Work (PoW) for the period 19 September – 20 November 2020, status of the nominations of ReSPA Working Groups (WG), ReSPA PoW 2021-2022, ReSPA Monitoring Toolkit, and information on the recruitment process for the positions of Programme Manager and Operations and Finance Manager.
Governing Board approved the report on ReSPA Operations and Implementation of the PoW 19 September – 20 November 2020, which encompasses information on the activities related to the ReSPA Governance and Operations, Implementation of Programme activities, and other relevant information including the implemented activities related to communication and visibility, as well as the current In-country support mechanism status.
GB members and European Commission representative praised the work performed by ReSPA over the last quarter emphasizing that ReSPA continued to provide support to its Members even though the aggravated conditions caused by the pandemic which didn’t slow down ReSPA staff in the realization of the planned activities. The Seasonal School on EU Accession Negotiation was one of the activities that were especially praised by the GB members.
ReSPA Secretariat presented the PoW 2021-2022 which supports the implementation of the Strategy 2019 - 2024, ensures proper functioning of the organization and provides an overview of the activities that will be implemented during the next two years. GB approved the ReSPA’s PoW 2021-2022 that has been drafted with the assumption that activities will be implemented online till June 2021. Also, taking into account the current circumstances, it shall be considered as indicative and further adaptations might happen during its course of implementation.
Governing Board also approved the ReSPA Monitoring Toolkit which provides ReSPA’s monitoring framework with a list of indicators of outcomes and outputs defined following ReSPA’s PoW, with an assessment methodology, measurement criteria for monitoring, and descriptions of sub-indicators and tools for monitoring.
At the end of the Meeting, ReSPA Secretariat informed the GB members about additional appointments for each working group to cover sub-areas that are not present.
This Meeting was also an opportunity for the newly-appointed ReSPA’s Programme Managers and Operations and Finance Manager to introduce themselves to the Governing Board members at Senior Official Level.