ReSPA Better Regulation working group meeting
The first meeting for 2021 of ReSPA Working Group on Better Regulation (BR) was organised remotely on 25 February 2021.
The meeting was focused on regulatory impact assessment (RIA) and EU transposition in the Western Balkans and served as a good forum to identify bottlenecks in this regard and come up with some brief recommendations.
Due to the specificity of the main topic, the meeting made together not only Members of the WG, but also RIA contact points in the Region.
During the meeting, ReSPA introduced the planned activities for 2021 and 2022 in the domain of better regulation as well as the monitoring toolkit which will serve to conduct the first monitoring exercise of ReSPA actions.
Representatives from OECD/SIGMA also attended the meeting as well as introduced the SIGMA Paper on “RIA and EU Law transposition in the WBs”. Overall, the meeting made together 30 participants.
During the meeting, participants effectively exchanged the state of play in their administrations as regards RIA implementation, targeted goals, challenges but also good examples of success in the domain of BR. Participants emphasised that continuous training on RIA processes/methodology shall be organized in the respective administrations targeting primarily new civil servants that have recently joined the RIA Units in line Ministries as well in RIA Oversight bodies.