Call for expressions of interest for experts (non-civil /public servants)
Are you an expert?
in one of these areas with over 5 years of experience and ability to work in English?
- Centre of Governments, strategic planning (including European integration)
- Better Regulation
- Human Resources management and Development
- Quality management
- E-government
- Monitoring and Evaluation
If so, you might consider responding to ReSPA’s call for experts.
ReSPA might be in need for your expertise during the implementation of its activities, conferences, trainings or workshops. ReSPA might seek your opinion on specific projects, research studies, or to monitor and evaluate ReSPA initiatives and applications.
ReSPA Database of Experts
This database is open to experts in the domain of Public Administration Reform (PAR) and/or Public Finance Management (PFM), wishing to contribute to the work, mission and vision of the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) on specific issues, on an ad-hoc basis, as well as may be engaged in various ReSPA activities and events, including the development of analytical papers, comparative studies, policy papers, etc. In addition, ReSPA experts may be invited to attend and contribute during the meetings of the ReSPA working groups, or other types of activities, such as seminars, conferences, etc. Civil/public servants from the Western Balkans Administrations may not apply to be included at the database.
Application process
All individuals with a very good command of the English language, with a university degree in a relevant area (preferably at postgraduate level) and with a satisfactory experience of at least 5 (five) years in one or maximum two of the thematic areas where ReSPA operates, are welcome to register in the database of experts serving to ReSPA.
Interested experts should consult ReSPA website, especially those section that provide more details about ReSPA operations, organization and thematic areas.
Among others, in the application form, you are kindly asked to provide a list of publications (if any) and the names of three references. In addition, you shall attach to your Application an updated Curriculum Vitae (CV), not longer than 5 pages.
The attachments may be either a Microsoft Word document or an Adobe Acrobat pdf file.
The application form is available at the link below.
Interested? Please join our database of external experts and trainers!
After submitting their application online, the applications will be evaluated by ReSPA and the applicants will be then notified about acceptance of their applications and their inclusion into the ReSPA database of experts and trainers.
The experts that join the database may get an opportunity to be engaged in ReSPA activities and thus get involved in any expertise exercise that emerges. For short-term expertise, ReSPA may directly identify and inform experts and trainers from the database.
Nevertheless, in order to select experts for specific longer assignments, ReSPA publishes regularly calls for expression of interest detailing the selection criteria, the required expertise, the description of the tasks, their duration and the conditions of remuneration. The members of the Database shall be timely informed on these opportunities, in order to urge them to apply.
For any question or clarification, please contact us at: respa-info@respaweb.eu
Legal Notice: The database will be created and maintained for the internal use of ReSPA and will not be publicly accessible. ReSPA will treat the information obtained in line with its privacy policy.
The applicants by submitting their application for the ReSPA database of experts and trainers declare the truthfulness of the information provided and agree that ReSPA might at all times request written documents supporting this information. In case of finding out that the information is incorrect ReSPA reserves the right to delete the information from its database. Accepted ReSPA experts and trainers agree that provided information in the ReSPA database might be used for ReSPA internal purposes. Each expert is allowed to withdraw his name from the database via sending an e-mail in the following address: respa-info@respaweb.eu.
Interested? Please join our database of external experts and trainers!