Sekulović : The establishment of the Regional Quality Management Centre proved our commitment to raising a bar of performance in the public administrations
47th Governing Board meeting at Senior Official level, 19-20 April 2021, Online
Due to the specificity and abundance of the main topics, the first GB meeting at the Senior Official level for 2021 was held in two days.
The first day of the meeting served as a good forum for discussion numerous issues such as the Report on ReSPA Operations and Implementation of the Programme of Work (PoW) for the period 21 November 2020 – 2 April 2021, the status of the EC Grant and preparation of the new EC Grant, information on the Regional Quality Management Centre (RQMC) as well as on the status of In-country support mechanism and finally on piloting of the monitoring process.
Governing Board approved the report on ReSPA Operations and Implementation of the ReSPA Programme of Work which encompasses information on the activities related to the ReSPA Governance and Operations, Implementation of Programme activities, and other relevant information.
During the second day of the meeting, the financial issues were discussed, such as Annual Financial Report 2020 – IFRS Financial Statement, Core Budget Addendum 2021 and payment into the ReSPA Working Capital Fund 2021, information related to commencement of External Audit by KPMG and ReSPA Liquidity and National Contributions 2019.
ReSPA Governing Board members and European Commission representatives praised the work performed by ReSPA in establishing the Regional Quality Management Centre which provides regional expertise in QM by focusing on Total Quality Management tools implementation, primarily Common Assessment Framework (CAF). Besides, the Centre will provide the training programmes and consultancy for CAF implementation while hosting the regional CAF network (composed of CAF national contact points) and PEF network (composed of EFACs - External CAF Feedback Actors).
"We will invest considerable efforts towards the RQM Centre's operationalization so that it gradually influence the level of performance in the institutions from the WB public administrations. Through better performance and consistent quality control and management, public administrations will inevitably provide better services to the citizens and businesses.” pointed out Ms Ratka Sekulović, ReSPA Director.
At the end of the meeting, the Chair set the date for the next 48th GB SL meeting which shall take place in the first half of July 2021.