Training on agile governance and leadership
Through five online sessions organized during three consecutive weeks, the senior managers with responsibilities for HRM in the Ministries in the region, in particular, from the Ministry of Public Administration and relevant HR management, have improved their knowledge about Agile.
Technology acceleration and globalisation have put pressure on the government to catch up with the private sector and to invest in innovation. Governments are changing the ways they lead, partner, invest and recruit to maximise agility. By this training, ReSPA assists the HRMD WG members to be better prepared to respond to the changing needs and expectations of citizens.
The first day of the training (7 April) tackled the topics related to the Agile concept: values, principles and practices. ReSPA Expert, Mr György Tokovicz presented the history of agile, plan-driven vs adaptive project management, agile team roles and activities artifacts.
During the second day (8 April) Mr Kemal Bajramović, Expert from UNDP Accelerator Lab network, explained why we need Agile and how it is different from the traditional management. Mr Barjamović presented the importance of “unlearning”, pointed out the difference between fixed and growth mindset and described what a successful agile team looks like?
The third day of the training held on 15 April focused on Agile in the HR departments, where Mr Bajramović explained the Agile recruitment, performance appraisal and rewards, but also how to prepare leaders in public administration to be more agile.
On the fourth day of the training (16 April) Mr György Tokovicz talked about Agile organizational culture, staff satisfaction and driving forces of employee engagement. He also emphasized the importance of the organizational awareness of being agile and the role of the leaders in such organizations, while providing memorable examples.
During the last day of the training (22 April) Mr Tokovicz explained how to manage the flow with Kanban and presented/performed issues mapping exercise: What are the impediments for organizational agility in the WB public administration? (in Mural) while Mr Bajramović Identified the solutions for more organizational agility in the WB public administration.
Agile leadership is the craft of creating the right context for self-organisation. Agile teams collaborate, learn from each other, get quick feedback from users and are focused on quality and continuous learning. Agile leadership is an entirely new approach to leading people in WB. Agile leaders focus on the needs of others, acknowledge other people's perspectives, involve them in decisions where appropriate and build a sense of community within their teams. This leads to higher engagement, more trust, and stronger relationships with team members and other stakeholders.