Analysis of Policy co-ordination processes in Albania
ReSPA organised the workshop on policy co-ordination processes in Vlorë, Albania. Following the analytical paper "Policy co-ordination in the Western Balkans", ReSPA has organised work on a specific national analytical document that will enlighten the policy co-ordination processes and systems in Albania. The drafted analysis, prepared by engaged expert Nevila Çomo, contributes to a more efficient implementation of public administration reform in the region by strengthening policy co-ordination, especially those among PAR and PFM strategies.
The workshop gathered 27 public servants - representatives of various departments within the Office of the Prime Minister, ADISA, Department of Public Administration, Ministries of Finance, Economy, Justice and other relevant co-ordination structures. It provided the floor for the comprehensive discussion on the drafted analytical document, especially on the topics such as a legislative and institutional framework for policy co-ordination in Albania, co-ordination between PAR and PFM, alignment between policy and budget planning. Specific focus was given to the assessments of an international organisation of Albania's policy co-ordination process and system.
he participants strongly supported the commitment of ReSPA to policy co-ordination issues, especially the plan for the establishment of the Regional Network of Policy Co-ordinators. The workshop also resulted in recognition of the need for organising the longer, broader, deeper and comprehensive regional school on evidence-based policymaking process.
One of the conclusions from the workshop that emerged during the discussions was related to the need to streamline co-ordination structures in charge of good governance and Public Administration Reform (PAR). Participants also supported the idea of a single PAR Coordinator/Unit, which would merge in one structure the political and technical layers in charge of the implementation of PAR
As Ms Çomo explains - participants agree that political and technical co-ordination of the government's actions, strategic planning, monitoring of performance, and communication of the government's decisions and achievements remain of very high importance for the institutions of Centre of Government in Albania. The Centre of Governance institutions is becoming more and more relevant in a context where an increasing number of crosscutting issues demand whole - of - government approaches and coherent responses. As a result, internal co-ordination between CoG institutions needs to be further strengthened.
This workshop was the second one of several consecutive workshops, which will be organised in each of ReSPA Members, to present the strategic, legal, and institutional aspects of co-ordination of public policies (by focusing on the role of the most relevant public administration institutions in the improvement of co-ordination among public policies) as well as country-specific recommendations defined in national analytical papers devoted to policy co-ordination systems and mechanisms.