ReSPA Planning Workshop tackled numerous issues related to strengthening our internal capacities and finding the most effective and innovative upgrades of our programme of work
Traditionally, the last week in August for us in ReSPA is time for the annual planning of our activities. This time, the Workshop was additionally empowered by the experts who attended the first day of the Workshop and jointly with the ReSPA team discussed finding innovative solutions in ReSPA's work programme to respond more efficiently to the growing needs of the Western Balkans public administrations.
The Workshop also tackled numerous issues such as further development of Regional Quality Management Centre (RQMC) and CAF Resource Centre within it, ReSPA Monitoring System, potential partnering and development with other relevant institutions, further development of the Business Inteligence System as well as promotion of the In-Country Support Mechanism within ReSPA Members.
Although the ambitious programme of work in the upcoming period and the unstable situation in the region caused by the Covid-19, the ReSPA team is devoted to putting maximum efforts to conduct various activities within the key thematic areas in F2F or hybrid mode. Being aware that flexibility in these challenging times is crucial, we have put an immense focus on the internal capacities and the improvement of internal organization to obtain maximum performance.
"ReSPA proved its position as one of the most reliable EU partners in the Western Balkans during these challenging times. We took a proactive role in many areas, established the Regional Quality Management Centre, organized Seasonal Schools virtually where we gathered the most prominent EU experts, started with a quite demanding Monitoring system and introduced the new Business Intelligence System internally.
With fresh, progressive energy, innovative approaches, readiness for the new challenges of our team members and experts and with the European Commission's support, we will continue to provide new, innovative initiatives and deliver tailor-made solutions to develop more efficient governance and improved public services for citizens and businesses" said Ms Ratka Sekulović, ReSPA Director, at the closing of the Workshop.