Regional Workshop on presentation of the Practical RIA Package
The Regional Workshop on the “Practical RIA Package” presentation, held in Tirana on 30 September–01 October 2021, gathered around 20 senior and middle managers of RIA oversight units and civil servants dealing with RIA in Line Ministries (Agencies).
During the workshop, the attendees discussed, debated and understood the analytical tools for improving Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) implementation in the Western Balkans.
A detailed presentation was made to the components of the Practical Package such as the standardized RIA template, Standard Cost Model template, cost-benefit analysis (CBA), cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and multi-criteria analysis (MCA) templates and guidelines. The administrations from the WBs may rely on these documents and embed all or some of them, into their internal RIA frameworks, in line with their respective needs, for a more comprehensive and inclusive impact assessment process.
The workshop also served as a good forum of discussion and exchange of ideas among the attendees, ReSPA external expert Erik Akse and ReSPA Programme Managers on potential efforts to be undertaken in the short future related to capacity development for better regulation, aiming to enhance regulatory reform in the Region, as an important pillar of EU accession process. In addition, participants presented and discussed potential recommendations for strengthening better regulation in the Western Balkans and the ways to align it with EU Better Regulation Agenda.
Participants agreed that including RIA regular training in the ReSPA Programme of Work and the Programme of work of their national Schools/Academies of Public Administration would bring added values.