e-Gov pilots projects
Open call!
The e-GOV pilots initiative aims to introduce the model for improving the practices related to the digitalisation of public services, which will serve as the applicable standardised model in the Western Balkans public administrations.
Upon completing the e-GOV pilots, the experiences and lessons learned in pilot projects will be evaluated and summarised. This will inform the development of a standardised model which will be offered to public administrations as the option for improving the design and delivery of digitised public services (e.g. principles for designing digitised public services).
Expected results
ReSPA aims through e-GOV pilots implementation to support the public administration institutions in the region to improve their policies, processes and services by taking a user-centric approach. The pathway to achieving this is by using the Design Thinking approach. Additionally, the public administration institutions will increase their capacities in design thinking, digital skills, digital communication, networking and partnering.
Core theme
is enhancing the quality of digitised public services by piloting design or re-design of e-services, work processes or policies.
- Design of new service or re-design of existing service and its delivery implies new or re-designing existing e-services by using a human-centred e-service.
- Design a new or revised work process based on improved knowledge and skills or on mapping new processes and using an agile approach in work.
- Designing policies or procedural frameworks for digitised public services or testing the newly developed policies on e-services
Piloting approach
The piloting approach will adopt the Design Thinking Methodology that consists of five phases:
- Empathy,
- Define,
- Ideate,
- Prototype and
- Test.
Where applicable, the beneficiary might utilise design principles1 or digital service standards2 elsewhere developed. Pilots will last up to six months (from inception at the post to launching) plus six months for evaluation and summarising the lessons learned.
Thematic categories
e-GOV pilots in designing or re-designing services, processes or policies, can relate to the following thematic categories:
- specific public service deriving from the mandate of public administration institution - this category refers to all digitised public services (G2G, G2C,G2B) their delivery, processes and policies in institutions at the national level regardless of their position or sectorial belonging.
- opening of the data - this category refers to piloting the opening of the data and refers specifically to the design of an open data portal of a specific institution or developing the open data policies.
- using cloud infrastructure for public administration - this category refers to piloting the use of the cloud infrastructure in public institutions aimed at designing new service/tool which is free cloud-based.
ReSPA support
ReSPA support will help to ensure the implementation of the pilot project and, based on the applicant proposal, ReSPA will:
- Engage up to two experts per pilot project to:
- provide technical assistance throughout the project implementation
- provide training
As a minimum, one expert will be a regional expert using the country's language where the pilot project will be implemented.
- Provide peer-to-peer exchange visits in the region at the inception stage of the pilot project if requested and indicated by the applicant.
- Cover the costs of final presentations or sectorial/country level event
Eligibility criteria
Eligibility criteria will require that the applicant be a public administration institution which is the budget user at national level belonging to public administration in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, or Montenegro i.e. ministries, subordinated organisations, executive organisations and independent institutions3 in these countries.
The applicants will need to have the following:
- Institutional managerial consent and sustained support to engage from inception phase until the service or newly-developed process or policy is fully developed, is operational and is launched and can be measured after six months of becoming functional,
- Maturity level regarding the ability to host piloting project – available digital infrastructure,
- Confirmation of availability of a multidisciplinary and multifunctional team (IT, policy maker, other supporting staff) and stated commitment to ensure conditions in terms of staff and their time, appointed leader and staff in the pilot project with roles and responsibilities and decision-making structure,
- Determined lines of communication internally and with key stakeholder(s) (and if needed externally
- Readiness to ensure monitoring and evaluation of the project and feed into the "principles for designing digitised public services" standardised model
How to apply
The applicant needs to provide the following information:
- Evidence of a foundational digital infrastructure (possibly Cloud-based) to support the project
- Description of the service (or process, policies) to be designed or re-designed/improved through an e-Gov pilot, with identified challenges and expected outputs
- Initial pre-pilot user-research (unless it will be developed within the project), or some baseline data or relevant data regarding users' needs for digitised public service
- Description of ReSPA support needed, with content and approximate timelines
- Confirmation that requested activity will be endorsed within the Institution by a relevant responsible person
Two external Assessors will assess each application.
e-Gov pilot implementation will include:
- Timeline - up to 6 months of implementation (from initial concept to evaluation of the project activity)
- No of experts - up to two (for each project two experts, one from the country or region and one international)
- Profile of experts - One generalist (Familiar with IT) – will be selected first, and the other will depend on the required specific support
- Video Documentary on each of the e-GOV pilots (start – mid-phase (important aspects) – end of the activity –several months after the pilot ends).
Contact us
ReSPA team for the E-GOV thematic area is committed to introducing the e-GOV pilots for improving the digitalization of public services in the WB public administration institutions by using the Design Thinking approach. The lessons learned should make the basis for developing Designing Standards.
The E-GOV team is happy to talk to you about any questions, feedback, or propositions concerning applying for ReSPA support regarding E-GOV pilots.
If you have any questions please contact:
Olivera Damjanović
Programme Manager
Slaven Bukarica
Programme Assistant
1 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/government-design-principles#history
2 The Digital Service Standard is a set of best-practice principles for designing and delivering government services. It helps digital teams to build services that are simple, clear, and fast. See at https://www.dta.gov.au/help-and-advice/about-digital-service-standard
3 Institutions within the public administrations which are budget users, established by special laws, such as Agencies, Commissions etc.