Ms Sekulović hosted H.E. Ms Oana Cristina Popa, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, diplomatic representatives of ReSPA Member countries, and high-ranked officials from the Ministry or Foreign Affairs, Montenegro
At traditional working breakfast, Ms Sekuković and ReSPA Programme Managers hosted distinguished diplomatic representatives Mr Adi Hoxha, First Secretary and Consul of Republic of Albania, Mr Ruzvelt Frrokaj, Charge d'affairs, Kosovo*, Mr Bojan Vujović, European Integration Office of Montenegro, Ms Vana Vojinović, Director of the Directorate for Regional and Other International Organizations, Ministry or Foreign Affairs of Montenegro and Ms Majda Gluščević, Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro.
Ms Sekulović introduced the guests to the state of play and novelties related to Public Administration Reform in the Western Balkans, ReSPA's role in fostering reforms processes and further improvements in bringing the region closer to the European Union and transforming the Western Balkans into prosperous societies.
In her introductory speech, Ms Sekulović thanked H.E. Ms Oana Cristina Popa for the European Commission's strong support of ReSPA's work since its establishment. "With the support of European Commission, ReSPA intends to strengthen its regional position and accelerate reforms in public administrations by boosting regional coordination of PAR and PFM, better regulation, human resource management and quality of public services. This year, ReSPA focuses on establishing the Regional Quality Management Centre to improve quality and citizen-oriented service delivery. Also, we are setting the Regional Network of Policy Coordination – an instrument for enhanced public policy coordination in the region and introducing novelties within E-Government such as E-Gov pilots, Seasonal School on Digital transformation, ReSPAthon, etc." highlighted Sekulović.
In her introductory speech, H.E. Ms Oana Cristina Popa, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, pointed out, "ReSPA is an institution that the EU has been supporting since its establishment. So far, we have invested in ReSPA through different grants, around EUR 13 million. As we all know, regional cooperation promotes stability and contributes to building a sustained long-term response to challenges in the Western Balkans, thus playing an important role in the EU accession path. In this respect, ReSPA, as a regionally owned initiative, is well placed to give an impetus to the development of administrative capacity in the region." Ms Popa also highlighted the necessity of the political commitment from all the participating countries to support ReSPA's efforts in advancing regional cooperation in public administration reform and EU integration.
ReSPA traditionally organizes Working Breakfast as an opportunity to confirm and demonstrate Western Balkan countries' commitments in promoting regional ties.