
Public Administration Awards 2022 in the Western Balkans – Call open by June 15, 2022!

26 April 2022 News

ReSPA and OECD/SIGMA invite public sector champions that deliver human-centric services to apply and win valuable prizes!

The PA Awards 2022 aim to recognise those initiatives that turn the governances to the citizens through faster, more efficient work of the administrative bodies, eventually bringing better services and improving citizens’ lives in the Western Balkans.  

Public sector institutions that demonstrate inspiring practices, initiatives, services, and measures in delivering better public services to improve citizens’ lives are invited to apply for the PA Awards 2022 and win various awards such as tailor-made learning journeys!


Submit your successful and inspiring initiatives in delivering public services that bring a better life to citizens by June 15, 2022!
We wish you a lot of success!

PA Awards 2022 Team

PA Awards Newsletter is available on this link.

For more information about the contest, visit PA Awards 2022.

Public Administration Awards 2022
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