PA Awards 2022 Info Day : Immense turnout signalized great interest of the public institutions in showcasing the projects
The Public Administration Award Info Day, organized by ReSPA and OECD/SIGMA earlier today, gathered around 70 public servants interested in learning more about this year's Award application process.
Such a great turnout signalizes that many public institutions across the region are interested in showcasing their projects and benchmarking their projects against their peers in the Western Balkans region.
During the session, ReSPA and OECD representatives explained the eligibility for each category and clarified the application process available on the webpage for application.
ReSPA representatives went through the Application guide available in a video-tutorial format and in the Application manual that can be downloaded.
All information related to the Western Balkans Public Administration Award 2022 is available on the link.
They also responded to numerous questions posed by those attending the session.
The questions posed and the answers received at the INFO Day are published on the FAQ webpage.
ReSPA and OECD/SIGMA are waiting for successful and inspiring initiatives in delivering public services that bring a better life to our citizens.
We invite all public institutions to submit their projects by June 15, 2022!
We wish all candidates a lot of success!
PA Awards 2022 Team