Evaluation of the PAR Strategy 2018-2022 of North Macedonia: With ReSPA support, MISA and other PAR actors identified the state of play of the existing PAR Strategy and recommendations for its new edition 2023-2030
ReSPA held 1st Workshop on the evaluation of PAR 2018–2022 and recommendations for a new Strategy and Action plan in North Macedonia. During the Workshop, representatives of the PAR coordination body in North Macedonia - the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA), and key stakeholders in the PAR process discussed the state of play of the current PAR Strategy and provided recommendations for further improvements in its next edition (2023-2030).
In view of the preparations for a new strategic framework, MISA and PAR stakeholders in
North Macedonia have embarked upon an evaluation of the current PAR strategy. The conclusions/recommendations generated through this ReSPA-supported process are to be embedded in the next PAR Strategy.
This comprehensive consultative assessment process guided by ReSPA Expert revealed existing challenges and ways forward to drive the reform process towards a modernized administration that delivers for the citizens and businesses.
The next Workshop will be held on 4-5 July 2022 in Ohrid.