ReSPA Planning Workshop: Dynamizing and upscaling activities towards a fully modernized Western Balkans administrative space and lasting public administration reforms
The ReSPA planning Workshop confirmed our intention to dynamize and raise the bar on the quality of our support to the regional collaboration at the highest level and empower civil servants to be better equipped for addressing significant societal challenges.
Due to ever-changing processes in the public administrations that are accelerating and digitising, aiming to put the citizens first, ReSPA team stays devoted to supporting the civil servants in their constant learning and empowerment. In that process, ReSPA takes a leading role in the region, and it will be continued on the same track with an upbeat trend.
The main aim of the workshop was to tailor the ReSPA programme to meet the specific needs caused by regional challenges that indicate the need for accelerating the reforms and radically changing the role of digital technologies and service delivery. ReSPA team discussed and identified innovative solutions to be introduced in the work programme by end of the year as well as brainstormed for ReSPA’s strategic directions for the next three years focused on knowledge management, enhancing peer bench-learning, and improving public servants' mobility and strengthening the horizontal partnerships. With the re-shaped programmatic pillars, ReSPA aims to respond more efficiently to the growing needs of the Western Balkans public administrations where a change in public service values, mindsets, and practices is paired with innovation and digital government. Focusing on reforms that meet citizens' and businesses' expectations and deliver growth will bring the transformation that further inspires regional upscaling.
“We will continue to strengthen a critical mass of public servants throughout the region who will be equipped with a set of knowledge and skills for dealing with complex reforms and leading future change. We have set ourselves high goals and we are confident to reach them, with the constant support of the European Commission and our stakeholders' commitment to joint work on reforms in the public administrations.” highlighted Maja Handjiska-Trendafilova, ReSPA Director