ReSPA organizing the Workshop on “Developing a Pay and Reward Strategy in Public Administration Institutions – Principles, Policies and Practices”, Danilovgrad, 16-18 October 2013.
ReSPA would like to announce the upcoming Workshop on “Developing a Pay and Reward Strategy in Public Administration Institutions – Principles, Policies and Practices”, which will be held at the ReSPA premises in Danilovgrad from 16-18 October 2013.
The workshop is intended for participants from the Ministry for Public Administration, Ministry for EU integration, State HRM institution, those who are engaged in the following roles: Civil and Public Administration senior HR; Job Evaluation, Grading exercises, pay and benefits negotiation; Compensation and Reward practitioners. Participants are required to have at least 5 years experience of working in the pay and reward area and have prior knowledge of Reward Strategy.
The training is intended for up to 21 participants. We kindly ask you to identify suitable candidates for this workshop (3 per ReSPA Member State and Kosovo*) and provide us with the completed registration forms before 30 September 2013.
The working language of the program is English. Interpretation will be provided if 3 or more participants require interpretation into the same language.
ReSPA will be covering accommodation costs including full board on location, international travel and daily allowance. Practical information sheet with general rules which apply for all ReSPA trainings can be found on ReSPA's website (www.respaweb.eu). A detailed Practical information sheet, tailored for the training in question, will be sent to the participants upon their registration. Please note that in case of cancellation, the costs of flight tickets will be shared between ReSPA and the participants’ respective institutions.