ReSPA team hosted students from the Burch University Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Today we welcomed a group of students from the International Burch University from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. More than 25 International Relations and European Studies students got insights on how ReSPA supports the Western Balkans in progressing with reforms in the public administrations.
Even more, we shared our impressions of working in an international team and how we are privileged to work in international institutions knowing that our work eventually brings progress to our citizens.
Students have asked numerous questions, showing their interest in reform processes in the Western Balkans' public administration and integration of the region into EU society. We believe we inspired and encouraged students to become professionals who will work in the field of International Relations and EU integrations.
With Faculties in Engineering and Natural Sciences, Economics and Social Science, and Education and Humanities, International Burch University is highly respected and follows the 'entrepreneurial university model'; that is, it encourages and supports innovation, recognizes and creates opportunities, and promotes soft skills and an entrepreneurial mindset.