2nd Module of CAF External Feedback Experts (EFAC) Training
ReSPA within the Regional Quality Management Centre, with the support of the KDZ, organized virtually the Second Module of EFAC Training. This three-module training is designed for those public officials from the Western Balkans who want to deepen their CAF facilitation skills and act as CAF External Feedback Experts and who will be certified as EFACs upon the completion of training.
After the first Module held in Vienna, this time in the online modality, participants continued learning about PEF procedures during the last two days and gained more technical knowledge needed for External CAF Evaluation. Guided by Philip Parzer, Head of the Austrian CAF Centre, 16 public officials from the region dived deeper into the CAF External Feedback Questionnaires and CAF Feedback-Report structure. Isabelle Verschueren, DG Budget and Policy Evaluation presented how PEF is organized in Belgium and which preparatory work has to be done before the on-site visit.
Olivera Damjanović, ReSPA Programme manager, presented EFAC Guidelines of Regional Quality Management Centre (RQMC), while Eva Sejrek-Tunke and Isabelle-Verschueren guided participants through Assessment Training – Practical experiences of an EFAC and Guiding principles for moderation. Eva Sejrek-Tunke and Bernadette Tropper-Malz presented the CAF Case and guided participants on how to prepare for the on-site visit and the CAF External Feedback Report.
Within RQMC, with the support of our KDZ friends, we in ReSPA continue enhancing the capacities of the public officials who will be reliable points of knowledge of CAF and who will conduct PEF (the external CAF evaluation) in the interested institutions for getting Effective CAF User Label.
The third (last) online Module will be held in November 2022.