Mobility scheme of ReSPA connected the Ministry of Information and Administration from North Macedonia with numerous institutions from the Republic of Serbia
Based on the request from the Ministry of Information and Administration of North Macedonia (MISA), ReSPA organized the Mobility scheme to connect public officials from MISA with their colleagues from several respective institutions in the Republic of Serbia, namely the Ministry of Public Administration and Local self-government, Public Policy Secretariat, IT and eGovernment office, and National Academy for Public Administration from the Republic of Serbia.
Through various meetings, they exchanged experience and discussed numerous topics such as PAR processes in both countries and lessons learned in the process of implementation of the previous and current PAR Strategy, the coordination mechanisms of PAR in the EU accession process, the development of the strategic framework and implementation of reform activities and HR management and development, salary reform, digitalization and service delivery, policy development and coordination.
All these issues as well as the exchange the know-how were very helpful for MISA representatives in the formulation of the new PAR strategy in North Macedonia.