OGP Eastern Partnership/Western Balkans Community Dialogue: Amplifying regional ambition in making the Western Balkans governments more transparent, accountable and responsive to the citizens
The representatives from Western Balkans public administrations working on Open Government Partnership and Opening of Data issues gathered at the OGP Eastern Partnership/Western Balkans Community Dialogue organised by ReSPA and OGP Europe Unit as the side event to OGP Europe Regional Meeting.
The sessions at the Western Balkans Community Dialogue were an opportunity to discuss and share the experiences in implementing the OGP in the Western Balkans. Participants look more closely at the issues related to the measures from OGP National Action Plans that link to open data, the challenges that have been met and achievements made in this area.
The overview of implementing OGP National Action Plans in Italy and good practice of Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale in developing guidelines for data opening was presented.
The ReSPA sessions on 14th October focused on opening data in public procurement. The monitoring of public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina done by Transparency International BiH was also presented alongside the methodologies and principles for opening data in public procurement developed by Open Contracting Partnership.