ReSPA hosts and shares experiences with the Ministry of Finance of North Macedonia towards the establishment of the Public Finance Academy
Today we hosted in ReSPA representatives of the Ministry of Finance from North Macedonia as well as partners from the Centre of Excellence in Finance (CEF-Slovenia) and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA-United Kingdom).
We shared our vast experience in running capacity building, learning processes and training programs with our colleagues towards the establishment of the Public Finance Academy.
While presenting ReSPA modus operandi and different events, from working group meetings and workshops to seasonal schools, regional conferences and High-Level Ministerial Dialogues, Gentian Xhaxhiu, ReSPA Programme Manager-Coordinator, highlighted the importance of “tailoring each event per particular needs of stakeholders, always having in mind final results which should contribute to continuous empowerment of public servants who are the engine of reform processes in the public administration”.
ReSPA presented different models of organising a learning institution and various experiences from the administrations in the region, which served as a source of inspiration for the colleagues from North Macedonia in shaping their Academy. ReSPA stands ready to further contribute with the necessary expertise in line with its strategy, instruments and mandate.
Participants praised ReSPA’s readiness for support as well as its vast experience in the area while committed to utilize ReSPA instruments and expertise for further work. CEF and CIPFA, which are also supporting this initiative, emphasised the importance of sharing experiences among the administrations in the Western Balkans and replication of successful models.