ReSPA Turns 12!
12 intense years of supporting the Western Balkans governments in citizen-focused public administration reforms and their path to the EU!
Today we celebrate the cumulative results and the shared bold vision of the Western Balkans governments and EU for strengthened regional cooperation in pursuing the challenging public administration reforms. To symbolically mark the anniversary, together with one of the PA-awarded initiatives Nasagorica.me, ReSPA’s dedicated team jointly planted a tree at the lovely Gorica hill in Podgorica.
While realizing more than 500 events in which about 8,000 civil servants from the entire region gained the knowledge and experience embedded into the reform processes within their institutions and countries, the ReSPA team has been witnessing that reforms begin with changing mindsets. In an effort to lead by personal example, ReSPA team gathered on Gorica hill to raise awareness and support the green transition, environmental protection and the “greening of public administration”. This symbolic gesture of planting the tree is just an introduction to our continued support towards more sustainable public administration, to which we will be committed in the upcoming years, for the benefit of all of us.
ReSPA team stays devoted to supporting the long-term growth and impact, changed organizational culture, mindset and values, sustainable growth and sustainable public administration! Onwards and upwards!
Teamwork makes dream work!