The First Meeting of Directors & Heads of Training Institutions
Directors and heads of training institutions and departments dealing with programming or training delivery across the region presented their good practices and challenges faced in everyday work and development.
The Meeting was organised as a follow-up of the 14th ReSPA Governing Board meeting at the Ministerial level, “Attractive, modern and innovative civil service – Voices from the Western Balkans”. Directors and Heads of Training institutions got more profound insights into the results from the pilot staff satisfaction surveys from Albania and North Macedonia. Also, they participated in the informal Ministerial discussion where Ministers shed light on the importance of strategic HR transformation to be modern and attractive for civil servants and tackled the core topic of best practices for HRM in public administration.
The main takeaways from the Ministerial discussions inducted the Meeting. Directors presented the state of play within respective administrations related to the HR issues and reflected on the inputs from the Ministerial panel. They tackled numerous topics such as job satisfaction, work motivation, organisational commitment, intention to remain at state administration, well-being and work balance but also discussed possibilities for more vital collaboration.
“These two days served as an excellent floor for discussion among Directors and Heads dealing with Human Resources and Development issues across the region. It was the first time they gathered, and also it was obvious that they all faced similar challenges. What is essential, they detected many potentials for further collaboration and joint activities.
Directors agreed that “Neither reforms nor more efficient service delivery tailored to the needs of our citizens cannot happen without constant investment in human capital. Civil servants are the engine of PAR, better civil services, and the region’s overall progress.
Having this in mind, ReSPA, with an ambitious staff satisfaction survey, wanted to detect the real needs and expectations of civil servants in the region. By detecting real issues in the region, ReSPA will assist the Western Balkans governments in further improving civil servants’ position and retention, as well as attracting the right people into the public sector.” underscored Ranka Bartula-Mušikić, ReSPA Programme Manager.