Meeting of ReSPA Liaison Officers: Regional Dialogue and Exchanging of Good Practices in the Light of Further Advancing ReSPA’s Impact in the Region
The Meeting tackled numerous topics related to the important role of Liaison Officers in implementing ReSPA activities, boosting regional collaboration and continuously strengthening ReSPA’s impact in the region, visible through achieved results.
The Liaison Officers exchanged views and experiences with implementing the set of ReSPA instruments such as network meetings, seasonal schools, conferences, in-country support mechanisms, mobility schemes and others. In that regard, they gave important insights to ReSPA programme managers relevant to the further advancement of ReSPA activities. Each liaison officer shared the view on performed tasks and possibilities for further improvements.
They also discussed with ReSPA Programme Managers on importance of detection and promotion of inspiring examples in PAR and Good Governances, contribution to the knowledge management platform and institutional partnerships, promoting the visibility of ReSPA at the national level, upgrading of the In-Country support and mobility schemes and new instruments within new EC Grant, their role in the annual monitoring exercise and many other.
Liaison officers opened discussions on numerous topics important for regular daily work and, in a proactive way, influenced the very efficient meeting, and agreed on the organisation of “ReSPA Open Days” in all the administrations of the Region.
Gentian Xhaxhiu, ReSPA Programme Manager-Coordinator, highlighted the absolutely essential role of the Liaison Officers in implementing ReSPA actions and initiatives and strengthening ReSPA impact in the Region. Mutual understanding and joining forces have and will characterise the cooperation among ReSPA Secretariat and the Liaison Officers, however, there is still room for building on the current achievements, diversifying the support to the administrations and enhancing the effect on the ground.