Deadline for applications NISPAcee Conference 2014: October 15, 2013
Invitation & Call for Paper Proposals:
The 22nd NISPAcee Annual Conference 2014
DEADLINE for applications with paper proposals: October 15, 2013
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to remind you about the approaching deadline for the applications with the paper proposals for:
22nd NISPAcee Annual Conference "Government vs. Governance in Central and Eastern Europe”, May 22-24, 2014 / Budapest, Hungary.
The conference is organized under the auspices of the Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice. The event is organized in cooperation with Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungaryand National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary.
Paper proposals are invited on:
1. Main conference theme
2. General session
3. Colloquium for practitioners
I. Working Group on Local Government
II. Working Group on e-Government
III. Working Group on Civil Service
IV. Working Group on Public Administration Reform
V. Working Group on Internationalization and Networking of Public Administration Studies and Civil Servant's Training Systems
VI. Working Group on Public Finance and Public Finance Management
VII. Working Group on Public Policy Analysis Development Issues
VIII. Working Group on Public Administration Education
IX. Working Group on Local Public Policies
X. Working Group on Good Governance, Human Rights and Development
XI. Public Administration During Transition, Change and Uncertainty
XII. Administration and Management of Internal Security Agencies
1. Islamic Public Administration
2. Max Weber and Public Administration Today
3. Joint ASPA-NASPAA-NISPAcee Study Group on Cutback Management
4. Governance of Territories and Regional Development: Best Concepts and Practices
5. Presentation of Projects Relevant for the Region
The Invitation and Calls for Paper Proposals are available on the Conference page: www.nispa.org/conference2014
The conference web page is optimised for tablets and smartphones.
The On-line application link is available on www.nispa.org/conference2014/application
DEADLINE for applications: October 15, 2013
Online registration for the annual conference will be opened in December 2013.
Best regards,
NISPAcee Secretariat
Polianky 5
841 01 Bratislava 42
Slovak Republic
Phone / Fax: +421 2 6428 5557
E-mail: nispa@nispa.org