Kosovo* joins ReSPA
Kosovo* has become the newest Member of Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA). It joins the School’s mission to strengthen regional cooperation and to contribute to a more resilient, professional and responsive public administration in the Western Balkans.
ReSPA Member States have unanimously welcomed Kosovo as the newest member of ReSPA. This decision has confirmed that openness, appreciation and inclusiveness are the key values of enhanced cooperation in the Western Balkans.
ReSPA Director, Mr. Suad Music says: “We at ReSPA are very proud of advancing regional cooperation by supporting Kosovo’s accession to join us as a full member. This is a great indication that this region has matured enough to surpass the difficulties of the past and work together towards the common perspective of wider EU integration. ReSPA will be there to support Kosovo and all other member states, in their pursuit of building professional and citizen-oriented public administration”.
As ReSPA stands in the frontline of regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and through its regional approach, it provides support to the activities that are expected to generate better impacts. ReSPA offers shared learning, exchanging of best practices and innovations, on the job experiences, joined-up and shared services. Through these services, the School creates a great opportunity for Kosovo and all other Members to participate in and contribute to, a more resilient, professional and responsive public administration, and to improve its leadership capabilities and its focus on public service improvement.
2014 has opened a new chapter for Kosovo’s public administration and reform efforts. Kosovo is now part of a large regional Institution that already has the know-how and the resources to help and assist them and all the countries in the region. As the Western Balkans makes its way towards EU accession, ReSPA will help them towards the development of accountable, effective and professional public administration and the promotion of good governance and public administration.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and it is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence