UN Public Service Awards
The 2014 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards Ceremony will take place in Seoul, Republic of Korea at the Korea International Exhibition Centre (KINTEX) from 23 to 26 June 2014. Focusing on the theme “Innovating Governance for Sustainable Development and Well-being of the People”, the Forum will be organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM), in partnership with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) in collaboration with the hosting Government of the Republic of Korea.
In line with the search for Sustainable Development, the United Nations is dedicated to promoting exchange of experiences, ideas and best practices concerning innovations in governance and public administration in order to contribute to social, economic, and environmental development. The General Assembly itself has reiterated, in resolution 57/277, that particular emphasis should be given to the exchange of experience related to the role of public administration in the implementation of internationally agreed goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration. In resolution 50/225, it also underlined the importance of enhancing international cooperation in the field of public administration, including South-South and inter-regional cooperation.
- Overall Aide Memoire
- Overall Agenda at a Glance
- Information Circular
- Online registration (by 10 June 2014 and by invitation only)
- Republic of Korea on UNPSA 2014
- Forum Venue: KINTEX
The United Nations Public Service Forum is a unique global event on public governance that provides a platform to explore, discuss and learn about: Emerging challenges, issues and trends - what are the major challenges and issues governments are facing at present and what is their vision for the future?; Innovative practices to address these challenges - what are the governance solutions that are being spearheaded in different parts of the world?; Capacity development strategies, approaches and tools - how can we learn from these practices and what tools are available or can be developed to move forward?
The parallel Ad-Hoc Expert Group Meeting, the Capacity Development Workshops and the Ministerial Round Table will be on the following themes:
- Ad-Hoc Expert Group Meeting on Innovating Governance for Sustainable Development
- Workshop 1: "Innovation and e-Governance for Sustainable Development"
- Workshop 2: "Innovation in Public Accountability: The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions and Citizens"
- Workshop 3: "What Women Get: Transforming Public Service Delivery to Respond to Women and Girls"
- Workshop 4: "Transformative Initiative towards Open Competent and Service Oriented Government"
- Workshop 5: "E-Government in the Smart Society; the Way Forward: One Day Workshop (24th of June Only)
- Ministerial Roundtable
- United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
- Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM)
- The Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Republic of Korea
- United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-WOMEN)