ReSPA establishes the High Level Public Administration Network
21 High level managers in charge of Public Administration Reform in the Western Balkans met from 26-27 June in Tirana, Albania to establish the First Network on PAR.
This event was organized by ReSPA in collaboration with the Department of Public Administration in Albania (DoPA).
The summit aimed at the overall exchange of information on experiences of ReSPA Member states with PAR: the content of the reform, the state of play, targeted goals and priorities, examples of successful implementation, critical challenges, and lessons learned etc. Sharing national perspective on those issues stimulate and create windows of opportunities for mutually beneficial regional cooperation with respect to PAR. At the event ReSPA also presented the extracts from National Action Plans and the Baseline report for the implementation of South East Europe (SEE) 2020 Strategy, which are related to Dimension ‘N’ Effective Public Services, within the 5th Pillar‘ Governance for Growth’. PAR and capacity building at both national and local level is a common feature of all national plans.
In addition, ReSPA will present the content of drafted Regional Action Plan committed to this dimension. These inputs could initiate and facilitate broader discussion on possibilities for further cooperation in the area of PAR, as well as on potential benefits of enhancing regional dialogue on PAR strategies, their development and implementation.
Public administration reform and the EU integration processes (EUI process) are intrinsically intertwined, and therefore the level of achieved reform in the field of Public Administration serves as a valuable indicator of the state of the play of the overall EUI process. The synergy between European Union Integration, Public Administration Reform (PAR)processes and the implementation of specific segments of South East Europe 2020 makes for a strong case for the establishment of the PAR Network.
The PAR Network will focus on senior managers for PAR in ReSPA Member States (in some governments those positions are usually recognized as state secretaries with the ministry responsible for public administration), as well as additional two mid management representatives involved in process of development and implementation of PAR strategy in the country, and in a National action plan for the implementation of SEE 2020 Strategy.