First Meeting of the European Integration (EUI) Programming Board
The Regional School of Public Administration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro are organising the first Meeting of the European Integration (EUI) Programming Board which will take place in Žabljak, Montenegro on 22-23 July 2014
The first Meeting of the EUI Programming Board will be officially opened by the State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator Ambassador Aleksandar Andrija Pejovic, the Director of Directorate D, DG Enlargement, Mr. Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler and ReSPA Director Mr. Suad Music. The meeting will gather managers/senior government officials from the relevant central EUI coordination institutions of the Western Balkans (ReSPA members and Kosovo*)
The first meeting of the Board will be devoted to the discussion on the current situation and future needs for the increase of administrative capacities in the region, with special attention on the improvement of coordination among the national institutions in charge of Public Administration Reform, on the one hand, and EU Integration processes on the other, as well as on ensuring the synergy between these two processes, both in the ReSPA programming structures and in its Program of work and ensuring activities.
Whereas the primary purpose of the EUI Programming Board is to advise ReSPA in mapping out pressing common issues pertinent to the EUI, its establishment will also significantly contribute to further strategic positioning of ReSPA as the key regional development institution.
Composed of senior officials from the relevant central EUI coordination institutions, this high-level body will also serve as a platform for increased regional cooperation in the field of SAA implementation, for exchange of best practices and identification of common challenges and interests, as well as for supporting the EUI process of the region by available means (ReSPA organized comparative studies, Mobility scheme, train of trainers, networking, conferences, etc).
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and ICJ Advisory opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of independence