United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA) Programme call for Nominations- Application Deadline 31 October 2014
United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA) Programme began to accept nominations for 2015 Awards on 1 August 2014.
Nominations will close on 31 October 2014. The UNPSA rewards the creative achievements and contributions of public sector institutions that lead to a more effective and responsive public administration in countries worldwide, and seeks to disseminate these initiatives for replication.
Nomination Awards for 2015 are invited in four categories:
- Improving the Delivery of Public Services;
- Fostering Participation in Policy-making Decisions through Innovative Mechanisms;
- Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information Age and
- Promoting Gender Sensitive Public Service Delivery.
Please be advised that the nomination form must be completed online on the UNPAN portal at: www.unpan.org/appbunpsa2015 where submission rules and the online application form are available in the six official languages of the United Nations. UNPSA winners are recognized each yea:" on 23 June, which is the designated United Nations Public Service Day.
Should you need any additional information regarding the nomination process, kindly contact Mr. John-MaiN Kauzya, Chief, Public Administration Capacity Branch at kauzya@un.org or Ms. Stefania Senese, UNPSA Coordinator, DPADM/DESA at senese@un.org.
For more information please go to the website under the link: http://www.unpan.org/DPADM/UNPSDayAwards/UNPublicServiceAwards/tabid/1522/language/en-US/Default.aspx