
Mr Josip GrubesaMinister of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ReSPA Chair
Bosnia and Herzegovina took over the ReSPA Chairmanship at its 14th Governing Board Meeting at Ministerial Level, held on 15 November 2022 in Tirana, Republic of Albania
Minister Grubeša has pointed out that chairmanship presents a great challenge and obligation.
"Taking into consideration that we are taking over the chairmanship from Albania, which has made efforts and achieved significant progress in the area of the public administration reform over the past year, I can say that Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue to closely cooperate with ReSPA and to strengthen and implement the ReSPA activities and mission, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the region.
We have an open door towards the improvement of public administration reform and EU integration, which we will undoubtedly use.
I will make sure that during its chairmanship, Bosnia and Herzegovina leaves its mark and welcomes the strengthening of existing partnerships, as well as the creation of new ones".