Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Do you have a downloadable version of the application form (list of questions)?

A: Yes, we do. You can find them on the ReSPA website in the section dedicated to the PA Awards 2024, available at link

In the Application Guide you can find detailed instructions on how to fill out the application form.

Q2: We are representatives of a municipality in Montenegro, and we implemented a project led by an NGO, providing valuable services to our citizens. Can we apply for the PA Awards 2024?

A: ReSPA and SIGMA encourage collaborative applications for the PA Awards 2024, recognizing the exceptional work of NGOs for end-users. However, please ensure your application clearly shows that the public institution is leading the project. Otherwise, the application will not be eligible.


Questions and Answers from the previous cycle of the PA Awards can help you in this cycle too:

Q: Is it possible to apply with a project that is ready to be used and made to improve citizens' lives, but the authorities do not yet approve it?
A: The evaluation committee will consider it, but the applicant should provide the most relevant information about the project and how it will be used to serve the citizens.

Q: Once started, does an application have to be completed in one session?
A:  No. Click on the save button and come back to complete it. All information previously saved will be there. 

Q: Is it possible to edit the application before submission?
A: Yes, it is. The only two application elements that cannot be changed are country and category. You can go back and change everything else, but those two fields before clicking on the submit button. When editing, you do not need to start from the beginning of the application. Go straight to those fields that you want to edit. 

Q: Is it possible to edit the application after its submission?
A: Once submitted, you cannot go back and change the application. However, you can request a change by emailing the organizer. (List emails here)

Q: Will the applicants' contacts be visible during the evaluation process?
A: No, it is not possible for the Evaluation Committee to get in touch with you or to see your personal information during the evaluation process.

Q: Does an applicant need to submit additional documents (if any) in English, or is it possible to submit them in local languages?
A: The applicant does not need to submit translated documents in English. Submitted additional documents (if any) could be in local languages.

Q: Could this Open call for PAA 2022 be forwarded to all budget-users institutions?
A: Yes! Please help us promote the Open Call to all public institutions in the WB and encourage other eligible institutions to apply. ReSPA and OECD/SIGMA want to collect as many applications as possible, to select and promote those who are inspiring and motivating others

Q: Is it possible to apply with a project that has been ongoing for more than 2,5 years and has positive results?
A: ReSPA and OECD/SIGMA strongly encourage you to apply with all ongoing projects that already impact society and are directly oriented to the! There is no length of the project or date limit for eligibility. 

Q: When will the applicants be informed about the jury selection?
A: All applicants will be informed in time about the selection process and short-listed candidates.

If you have any questions related to the rules, contest, or database, please contact:


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