Service Delivery
(Digitalisation and Quality Management)

Towards modernised and digitally transformed governments which deliver digitised public services for the benefit of our citizens

Improved public services using digital technologies and quality assurance models are of the utmost importance in transforming and modernising service delivery in public administrations.

Within the digitalisation area of work, we empower civil servants in charge of this topic with the most relevant knowledge and technical skills needed for creating future-oriented policies and public services that enable the growth of institutional capacities to integrate modern digital methods.

For this purpose, we tailor activities that focus on increasing the quality and usability of e-services (their safe use and accessibility) while introducing innovative and fully user-centric approaches, as well as systematic monitoring of e-service delivery performance of the user satisfaction. Furthermore, we address public administration issues with data management, interoperability and emerging technologies. Under the "Data for a Knowledge-Based Economy" area, we educate civil servants and citizens about the benefits of open data and promote public administrations that are open, responsible, and accountable, according to the principles of Open Government Partnership.

In practice, we foster regional and EU peer bench learning and tailor capacity-building activities (Seasonal Schools, Conferences, Regional Workshops) to support institutional development in interoperability, emerging technologies, usage of data, and open data – all paired with instruments such as E-GOV pilots, Gov-Tech, Mobility schemes, and On-demand. We also foster participation at the EU and UN high-profile platforms, networks and capacity-building activities.

Quality management remains imperative to service delivery reform. We continue supporting the implementation of QM models and instruments relevant to improving the level of services and public administration's performances.

Member Governments show increased uptake in quality management. Regional Quality Management Centre (RQMC) of ReSPA has spearheaded this process over the last few years by providing regional expertise and assistance in the institutionalisation of QM models & instruments. We scale up public administrations' performance by introducing the CAF model and awarding those proven to strive for excellence in providing public services. Also, we continuously empower public officials to introduce and monitor quality management through training and peer learning within the region and EU.

Encompassing all areas related to service delivery, we identify, recognise and award the innovative, sustainable, and future-looking initiatives from national and local public administrations within the Western Balkans Public Administration Awards. This joint endeavour with OECD-SIGMA strongly contributes to regional stability and sustainable development, providing a unique platform for sharing and transferring knowledge and insights, improving communication, and strengthening regional cooperation.
User satisfaction with the provided public services is crucial for us. Thus, we work jointly with QM practitioners on developing regional guidelines and a practical toolbox for measuring end-user satisfaction.

We pay special attention to the internal interlinkages with other strategic areas of work in ReSPA, such as HRMPD (e-recruitment) or Policy planning (use of digital technologies for policy-making). Externally, we coordinate with other organisations and regional initiatives on complementary topics. We also recognise the cross-border potential in enhancing regional cooperation and the possible impact of such initiatives. Finally, we are exploring the potential for exchanging services and data between public administrations in ReSPA Members.

Get in touch with the members of our team

Mr. Slaven BukaricaProgramme Assistant
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